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It was a pleasure to start working with the Heiland LED light source for my horisontal 8 x 10 Homrich enlarger. The very first measuring of the first negative I tried out was actually perfect. The light is stronger than my 2000 w bulbs, and easier to work with.
Just wanted to say thank you for producing some incredible products.
I just added your LED darkroom safelight to my Heiland split grade system - I can now see what I am doing and it's made my darkroom a safer place to work.
Nearly forgot to mention...great support too, I really appreciate you super fast responses to my emails.
I just added your LED darkroom safelight to my Heiland split grade system - I can now see what I am doing and it's made my darkroom a safer place to work.
Nearly forgot to mention...great support too, I really appreciate you super fast responses to my emails.
David Rappaport
Juste bought the cold light and splitgrade Gear for my focomat V35
After a couple of burning processes, all I can say it that the resluts are amazing
Really user friendly and you will save a lot of times
Great product and communication with M. Heiland is top !
Highly Recommanded
Bravo à tous ! ET Merci
After a couple of burning processes, all I can say it that the resluts are amazing
Really user friendly and you will save a lot of times
Great product and communication with M. Heiland is top !
Highly Recommanded
Bravo à tous ! ET Merci
Markus Pritzi
I was skeptical at first, since im used to print in cmyk, having bought the cold light source for black and white to use it with the split grade only, I was curious to test it and check out the differences when used for color, now, after printing with the cold light source in color since 2 months, i would not want to go back to my classic cmyk setup.
I use a 4x5 cold light source in my devere 504, printing in cmyk with the mixing box creates heat, 2 fans run permanently and loud, wich is very tiring after hours, lightbulbs do change color over time and so do the filter settings if you want to reprint an image, especially after having to exchanging the bulbs, also I did have shifts in colors depending on how many images I would print in continuation, for example, printing several copies of the same negative one after the other gives a consistent output, if repeating hours later or the next day, the color cast would have always shifted and needed to be adjusted, probably doe to burning time or general temperature of the housing/lamps and so on, this does no longer happen with the cold light source.
To sum it all up, with the cold light source there is no light drift, no physical shutter, no heat, doe to that no potential movement in the negative if printing glassless, zero noise, no change of bulbs and the settings are 100% repeatable, in addition the density can be adjusted by adding or reducing all 3 channels by the same factor, it is precisely the same color and only a change in density/exposure time.
I also checked if there is any visible difference in the same print made with the bulbs/mixing box in cmyk vs the cold light in rgb, its just the same, only much more comfortable after you are used to rgb instead of cmyk, it took me about a week to adapt to rgb and have now even changed the 35mm printer from cmyk to rgb.
I use a 4x5 cold light source in my devere 504, printing in cmyk with the mixing box creates heat, 2 fans run permanently and loud, wich is very tiring after hours, lightbulbs do change color over time and so do the filter settings if you want to reprint an image, especially after having to exchanging the bulbs, also I did have shifts in colors depending on how many images I would print in continuation, for example, printing several copies of the same negative one after the other gives a consistent output, if repeating hours later or the next day, the color cast would have always shifted and needed to be adjusted, probably doe to burning time or general temperature of the housing/lamps and so on, this does no longer happen with the cold light source.
To sum it all up, with the cold light source there is no light drift, no physical shutter, no heat, doe to that no potential movement in the negative if printing glassless, zero noise, no change of bulbs and the settings are 100% repeatable, in addition the density can be adjusted by adding or reducing all 3 channels by the same factor, it is precisely the same color and only a change in density/exposure time.
I also checked if there is any visible difference in the same print made with the bulbs/mixing box in cmyk vs the cold light in rgb, its just the same, only much more comfortable after you are used to rgb instead of cmyk, it took me about a week to adapt to rgb and have now even changed the 35mm printer from cmyk to rgb.
For two months now, I'm printing from very old negatives, more than hundred years old. It's glass negatives, from a photographer who worked in our mountain country also as a pharmacist. Apart his studio and landscape work, he was also documenting the world war 1 from the side of caring for wounded soldiers, producing a very high quality work of these terrible period. So, after making the special negative carrier needed for these 13 x 18 glass negatives, I put each under the 8 x 10 Heiland head. And it's a perfect combination of the 1900 th and 2000 th technology : prints are absolutely superb !
Thanks again for it.
Thanks again for it.
I'm printing since one year with Heiland's heads ( 4 x 5 on a CB7 - 8 x 10 on a 1840) It makes a true difference with my previous equipment (original Durst and Beseler color heads for Ilfochrome, Aristo cold light for black and white) : much more confort at work, very efficient, even for Ilfochrome printing.
I bought my Leitz Focomat V35 in 1979 and used it extensively before the digital era and before replacement light bulbs became very difficult to find.
\r\nNow after nearly two decades of exclusive digital work I go back to silver gelatin print for an important part of my art work.
\r\nThe split-grade controller and the LED Cold Light Source for this enlarger is a breeze to install. And after a few prints I felt this really was a paradigm shift for me as there is no more need for test strip to have a first and often excellent working print in less than 2 minutes. The silver workflow is now far more quicker than during my first years of analogue photography and I plan to extend all this by installing the same kind of system for my medium format work. The system is very well built and rock solid and the communication with M. Jurgen Heiland is excellent.
\r\nNow after nearly two decades of exclusive digital work I go back to silver gelatin print for an important part of my art work.
\r\nThe split-grade controller and the LED Cold Light Source for this enlarger is a breeze to install. And after a few prints I felt this really was a paradigm shift for me as there is no more need for test strip to have a first and often excellent working print in less than 2 minutes. The silver workflow is now far more quicker than during my first years of analogue photography and I plan to extend all this by installing the same kind of system for my medium format work. The system is very well built and rock solid and the communication with M. Jurgen Heiland is excellent.
Paul Tacq
I am very pleased with the new Heiland LED light source on my De Vere 504 enlarger.
I had been using an Ilford Multigrade 500 head, controlled by the Heiland Splitgrade system, itself a very good combination but I always had concerns about its bulbs and filters ageing and of course the heat and noise that come from it - and then the worry about spare parts. All that is gone now. The Heiland LED light source is so neat and precise. There's no heat, no noise, no moving parts and there's the reassurance of support for it too. I have been doing a lot of printing with it in the last few weeks and I have found its colour and brightness settings to be absolutely consistent from day to day and from short exposures to long ones. Thank you Heiland!
I had been using an Ilford Multigrade 500 head, controlled by the Heiland Splitgrade system, itself a very good combination but I always had concerns about its bulbs and filters ageing and of course the heat and noise that come from it - and then the worry about spare parts. All that is gone now. The Heiland LED light source is so neat and precise. There's no heat, no noise, no moving parts and there's the reassurance of support for it too. I have been doing a lot of printing with it in the last few weeks and I have found its colour and brightness settings to be absolutely consistent from day to day and from short exposures to long ones. Thank you Heiland!
I am a very (very) happy customer of your densitometer TRD2.
I am a very (very) happy customer of your densitometer TRD2.
Oh why didn't I buy this system a long time ago! I have been using the 'Splitgrade' for two months now and I have virtually abolished 'test strips'! Following the instructions produces an acceptable print every time, but by selectively measuring tones, you can 'personalize' an image. Using the 'offsets' can also adjust the print to personal tastes! The savings made from not wasting paper and chemicals 'testing' should pay for the unit in time!
Needless to say I am very pleased with the system and will now be looking towards LED light sources from Heiland.
Needless to say I am very pleased with the system and will now be looking towards LED light sources from Heiland.
Sal Santamaura
After four years of use, I am very pleased with the LED light source on my Beseler 23CIII. Due to that enlarger's configuration, the job involved a lot of custom adaptation, which Heiland executed in a most elegant manner.
I've been contact-printing large format negatives almost exclusively, so the probe and evaluation functionality sit unused, but consistency and precision of exposure/contrast control as well as extremely even illumination are great benefits. The LED light source can make any work quicker, easier and more enjoyable -- I highly recommend it!
I've been contact-printing large format negatives almost exclusively, so the probe and evaluation functionality sit unused, but consistency and precision of exposure/contrast control as well as extremely even illumination are great benefits. The LED light source can make any work quicker, easier and more enjoyable -- I highly recommend it!